Acosta design lab has designed the new PARM Annual Report 2023 highlighting the achievements and lessons learned over the past year, this report serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners dedicated to building a more resilient and sustainable agricultural sector.
"The publication of the Annual Report 2023 will provide stakeholders with valuable insights into the latest developments and effective strategies in agricultural risk management, fostering informed decision-making, encouraging innovative approaches, and strengthening global resilience in the agricultural sector."
The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) Annual Report 2023 provides a comprehensive overview of the strategies, innovations, and outcomes achieved in the field of agricultural risk management over the past year. This report aims to offer insights into the current landscape of agricultural risk, highlight key initiatives undertaken by PARM, and present data-driven analyses to support future planning and implementation efforts.
In the era of increased frequency and magnitude of agricultural risks inflated by climate variability, building resilience in the agricultural sector, in particular through value chains, de-risking food system and food security have increasingly become urgent not only to protect rural people against the risks affecting their incomes, but also to mitigate the impact of unforeseen global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the most recent and more and more frequent global crises like the Ukrainian and Gaza strip ones. Although in most cases the poorest suffer more since their poverty and inequality amplify their exposure and undermine capacities to manage risks, also in medium-high incomes countries the consequences of the global shocks have seriously impacted the national economies and their capacity to copy with.
In this context, the PARM Secretariat continued to deliver its demand-driven services to assist governments in managing agricultural sector risks. Currently, the platform operates in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ghana, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Niger, Senegal and Tunisia. In 2023, the Secretariat managed to adapt its operations, ensuring the smooth implementation of its activities at the country level. Particularly, PARM strengthened its country engagements
on ARM, providing technical assistance, capacity development and knowledge management support while bringing forward the ARM agenda at the global level.